Since launching Kaleidos, we've met some pretty incredible women who we believe embody the qualities of a #KaleidosGal - a woman who lives and breathes a creative & conscious-minded lifestyle, who is kind hearted, often talented at many things, has great style, and who inspire us (and hopefully you too)! Ultimately, we just think these gals are pretty darn cool and we want to get to know them more. So! We are thrilled to launch the #KaleidosGal interview series where we will feature these amazing women.
With that being said... meet our very first #KaleidosGal, Amanda Bozian - the girl you'd want to take (and DJ) your next road trip with! (@__amlee)
K: Hi Amanda! Thanks so much for curating such a rad playlist for us this month!
AB: Hi! I'm so excited for everyone to listen to it!
K: What was the inspiration for the songs you chose for us?
AB: I wanted this playlist to be something that you could listen to all day, no matter where you are. Whether you're applying your mascara and getting ready for the day or making a coffee and a late breakfast. Stuck in traffic on your way to work or knocking a few back on the beach. Summer is winding down and I think this collection of songs is a good way to bid summer adieu.

K: Have you always been a huge music lover? And when did your affinity for music start?
AB: Definitely! I can't remember a time when I wasn't searching for new bands, or buying CDs, or plastering band posters on my walls (yes, I was that girl). I've been going to shows from a young age too and always loved the energy I felt being there. I remember being really young – maybe three or four – and watching movies like Show Boat, Coal Miner's Daughter, and Sweet Dreams. I loved listening and dancing to the songs they would sing.
K: What was your first concert or first band/artist crush?
AB: My first concert was actually Air Supply! I believe I was in third or fourth grade. I went with my family and danced even though I didn't know many of their songs.
K: How has music played a role in your life?
AB: I picked up violin at a young age and sang in chorus and musicals throughout my elementary and middle school years. Then in high school I made mix CDs for my friends (and still do today!) and went to shows for local bands back in my hometown. It's a great way to connect with and meet new people!
K: You studied fashion merchandising. What interested you in going into school for fashion?
AB: I've always been interested in art and to me fashion is the most unique and customizable type of art. It can be tailored to a specific person, a decade, a generation. It's always evolving.
K: What is fashion to you?
AB: Fashion is fun, it's interesting! It's a visual representation of someone and can be affected by so much–mood, season, age, location–but it can always be altered for/by a specific person.
K: Who are some of your favorite style icons and why?
AB: Françoise Hardy for her simple, classic, and very French style. Her bangs are major goals too! I also really love Alison Mosshart's style. That girl sure can rock the hell out of some gold boots. Talk about polar opposite style icons... Everything in moderation though, right?
K: You are also a hair stylist! And can we say?... We have MAJOR hair crush on your long red locks!
AB: *Blushes and runs hands through hair* Thank you! Growing up I was constantly told that I'm lucky to have my hair color, and after 23 years I've finally learned to fully love and accept it. The Little Mermaid comparisons are just an added bonus. ;-)
K: What have you learned in exploring your creativity through these different outlets - music, fashion, hair?
AB: From music I've learned to speak even without using my own voice. It can be difficult at times to find the right words and music is always a good way to be able to express how you're feeling in a specific moment. From fashion and hair I've learned the importance of personal style and how to modify trends or pieces to make them your own. It's been fun to experience them and realize that they all go hand-in-hand with each other. It's always really cool to see someone's reaction when they listen to the playlist you made for them, or they see their haircut after you've finished styling it, or feel great in a pair of jeans you suggested. I'm excited to keep exploring and learning and growing my creativity!
K: What is in the contents of your purse right now?
AB: The necessities (wallet, keys, iPhone), Orbit sweet mint gum, Boscia blotting linens, a nail file, a purple ink pen, Glossier mint balm dotcom (love. this. stuff!), four different lipsticks, sunglasses, The Girls by Emma Cline, and chocolate covered coffee beans.
K: What is one thing you can't live without?
AB: My gut, of course, is telling me "music!" but if we're being real, my eyebrow pencil is pretty important too.
K: Touche´ to that, lady! And thanks Amanda for being our very first #KaleidosGal! <3
Listen to the songs Amanda curated for us on this month's #KaleidosMixtape HERE!